Leslie has been leading transformational personal and spiritual development programs for 25 years, mostly through the Inner Journey (www.innerjourneyinstitute.com)This work has been deeply meaningful and growthful and has provided the basis for the rewiring work. She officially ended her organization development, leadership development and diversity and inclusion consulting practice in September of 2021. For 40 years she has built her mastery in group process and facilitation as an organization leader as well as in the personal and spiritual development community.
Tiffani has been facilitating retreats, workshops, and trainings since 2010 and coaching since 2015. With expertise in experience design, she is passionate about creating inclusive experiences that build community and foster collaborative relationships - all while bringing a sense of fun and lightness into her work.
Tiffani’s deepest passion is working with women to explore how to take deep, loving care of themselves. Her strength lies in creating spaces where people feel heard, celebrated, and inspired to take positive steps forward. As a dedicated student of mindful self compassion, Tiffani hopes to inspire others to meet themselves with more compassion and kindness. |