LeslieLeslie has been leading transformational personal and spiritual development programs for 25 years, mostly through the Inner Journey (www.innerjourneyinstitute.com)This work has been deeply meaningful and growthful and has provided the basis for the rewiring work. She officially ended her organization development, leadership development and diversity and inclusion consulting practice in September of 2021. For 40 years she has built her mastery in group process and facilitation as an organization leader as well as in the personal and spiritual development community. |
SandySandy has served as a trainer, facilitator, and teacher of numerous domains of interpersonal development since entering the workforce almost 40 years ago and derives great joy and satisfaction from her kundalini reiki healing practice, for which she has been formally trained for almost 10 years. Sandy has entered the last executive leadership position she will hold in corporate America, uplifting individuals and communities through her work in equity, inclusion and diversity.
DebDeb is a coach/partner who is recognized for her authenticity, integrity and belief in leadership as a journey not a destination. She excels in working with established as well as evolving leaders, and understands individuals come to coaching in many ways. Utilizing her innate relationship building capability, along with her experience and training, she creates a safe context in which individuals can explore, recognize, shift, and often transform on the road toward achieving their goals.